Look For These Features When You Buy Supermarket Case Night Blinds

29 June 2023
 Categories: , Blog


A set of night blinds is a valuable part to use if you wish to upgrade one of your store's refrigerated supermarket cases. The blinds are designed to enclose the front of the unit when your business isn't open, helping to keep the cold air trapped inside to reduce your store's energy consumption and help the longevity of the refrigerated case. You can buy many different night blinds at a supermarket case parts store, so it's worthwhile to check out the different features of these products. Here are some features that you'll want to have in your supermarket refrigeration case parts.

Sturdy Handle  

Closing the night blinds will become a daily duty for your employees who work shifts at the end of the day. Some employees will hurry to close the blinds on each of the cases so that they can wrap up their shift, making it important to choose blinds that have a sturdy handle. A lightweight handle could potentially break due to daily use, but a sturdy design will keep the handle in good working order for an indefinite period. Blinds that lack a handle aren't ideal, as they're more difficult to close and thus extend the time required to complete the task.


You can expect to see lots of sets of supermarket case night blinds that have magnets positioned around their perimeter. The magnets are small and strong and are designed to hold the blind against the metal frame of the unit. A blind that doesn't have magnets won't form as much of a seal around its perimeter. This will allow a small amount of cold air to escape around the blind. The presence of magnets goes a long way toward improving the energy efficiency of the unit, given the tight seal that they create.

Durable Material

Supermarket case night blinds are available in a number of different materials. Some are very lightweight, which makes them affordable, while others are more sturdy. For example, the latter type will often be made of woven aluminum fabric. While you might pay a little more for this material, its strong nature means that you won't have to worry about it sustaining damage during use. Conversely, a lighter material could suffer tears over time, requiring you to prematurely replace it. To learn more about supermarket case night blinds, and find a suitable set to use on the case in your store, visit a supermarket case parts specialist.